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Landscaping Fabric

Everyone wants a lawn that is lush green and healthy. Landscaping fabric is a useful tool which can be utilized to get rid of weeds and leave you with a beautiful, pristine-looking garden. Contact the professionals at Greenbloom for all of your lawn and garden maintenance needs.

landscape fabric
installing landscape fabric

Landscape Fabric

What Is Landscaping Fabric?

  • A textile material used to control the growth of weeds.
  • Placed around plants to cover the areas where weed growth is unwanted.
  • Also referred to as a weed barrier.

How Do You Use Landscape Fabric?

  • Cut appropriate sizes of material to cover the desired area.
  • Lay it fuzzy side down on the soil.
  • Cut additional pieces to cover larger spaces.
  • If using multiple sheets, overlap them by one foot to prevent the weeds from squeezing through the gaps.
  • Cut slits to accommodate existing plants.
  • Use landscape fabric pins to hold the fabric firmly in place.

Why Should You Use Landscape Fabric?

  • Prevents the growth of unwanted weeds in your garden.
  • Limits the use of chemicals needed to control the growth of weeds.
  • Helps to prevent rocks, stones, and mulch from sinking into the soil.
  • Reduces evaporation, retaining moisture in the soil.
  • On sloped regions, it provides soil erosion control.

What to Look for When Choosing Landscape Fabric?

  • Weave – Make sure the fabric is high quality and woven properly so that air and water travel to the soil and plants.
  • Durable – Ensure that the material you choose will last without wearing, tearing, or looking old too soon.
  • Eco-friendly – You may also opt for landscaping fabrics that are environmentally-friendly.
  • Aesthetics – Look for a landscaping fabric that will enhance the beauty of your garden.

Why Choose Landscaping Fabric Over Plastic or Non-Woven Fabric?

  • Plastic or non-woven fabrics allow water movement but are not highly porous and may suffocate the roots of your plants.
  • Landscape fabric has tiny holes that allow water and nutrient exchange with the soil, making it healthier for your plants.

What Do You Need to Do Before Installing Landscape Fabric?

  • Prepare the ground by adding the required amount of compost and organic matter to the soil.
  • Remove any weeds.
  • Use a rake and hoe to break up clods and smooth the surface of the soil.

How Do You Maintain A Garden with Landscaping Fabric?

  • Pull weeds to prevent root penetration.
  • Make x-shaped slits on the fabric for easy access.
  • Make larger holes or incisions for plants as they grow larger when they mature.
  • After planting, place the flaps tightly near the base of the plant.
  • Make use of wood chips to shade out weed seedlings and reduce sunlight.
  • Check weed growth and don’t let them grow through the fabric.

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